5 Books to Challenge You ( + A Book Giveaway)!

In honor of one year of blogging (what?!), I’m doing a book giveaway!

Below are some of my favorite books and in my opinion, some of the most challenging books I’ve read. I’d love for you to check them out!

Click the links to learn more about each book, and then comment below with which book you’d prefer. In one week, I’ll select a winner from the comments and send them the book they chose!


Radical by David Platt

This book will challenge you to live beyond your comfort zone and is written by a pastor with a huge passion for people around the world. I’ve read this with a few different college students and I love the picture it illustrates as we consider what God is calling us to do as Christians.Click here to learn more about it!

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This is a great option if you interact with people (so, yes, this is applicable for everyone). The topic is well-known to many, but is hugely helpful to learn about how you both receive and give love (and how those close to you do as well)! Reading this will help you become more self-aware and equipped to show love to those around you in tangible ways. Check it out here. 

Lay It Down by Bill Tell

I can’t wait to read this book again! It’s wonderfully challenging and will help you think about performance and overworking. The author does a great job of sharing with vulnerability and Biblical truth to challenge readers about who God says they are. If I had to choose one word to sum up this book, it would be Identity. Learn more here!

Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

I’m currently reading through this with someone, and it’s SO good. I first read it as a sophomore in college and was challenged by what healthy boundaries look like and how unhealthy boundary patterns are formed. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to have healthier relationships! Check it out here. 

The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges

I get to re-read sections of this book every year as part of a program we do with college students, and EVERY year it blows me away. It breaks down the message of the Bible in a clear way that includes depth and background information to add color and understanding to what the Gospel is and how it applies to our lives daily. Learn more here!


So, which one would you like to read first? Comment below and one person will win a free book!



*If you make a purchase through one of these links, I may receive small compensation at no cost to you!

7 thoughts on “5 Books to Challenge You ( + A Book Giveaway)!

  1. I know my love languages, but I have not read the book and I love being able to understand just a little bit more about myself! So, I would definitely go for The 5 Love Languages!

  2. Lay it down was so great hearing that even people that are perceived as having it together are human like everyone else. With struggling times day in and out.

  3. Thanks for your thoughts, everyone! I forgot to do the giveaway until now (whoops).
    I used our mini Amazon Alexa to randomly select the winner….it’s Sydney Piontek! I’ll be contacting her and getting her a book soon 🙂

Let me know what you think!

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